Strong displays of emotion surround New Moon

Daily Planetary Energy Report for June 28, 2022

The Moon moves to Cancer at 7:53 a.m. ET, laying the groundwork for a potentially dramatic outpouring of energy.  Moreover, as we build throughout the day to the New Moon at 10:52 p.m. ET, strong displays of feeling gain momentum and unfold. Begin new projects, especially those that pertain to all that surrounds our protective shell, specifically, our family, friends and initiatives that are nearest and dearest to our heart.

Moreover, our nest is fortified and displays may be inflated when the Sun and Moon confront Jupiter, making everything seem bigger. And the Moon mildly challenging Uranus may generate surprising developments within the safety of our cocoon.  Nevertheless, Venus forming an easy sextile to Jupiter may dissolve some of our barriers, taking us to a place that loves luxury and comfort.

But Neptune beginning its retrograde motion today may serve to help us review our priorities as they relate to what we hold as ideal.  Spiritual values may be re-examined and choices reviewed.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2022 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication.

Make a fresh start at home…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for July 9, 2021

As the Moon moves through Cancer, she forms connections to Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter, suggesting that we attempt to hone our emotional output into a thoughtful, meditative approach, yet leave room for surprises and shifts that may include larger displays of feeling.

Moreover, Mercury forming an awkward aspect to Saturn supports a research-oriented application to fact-finding as we continue to look for answers and edit critical content.

But the New Moon in Cancer at 9:16 p.m. ET offers a time to make a fresh start, especially in matters involving home and those we hold near and dear to us.  Small and easy connections to Venus and Mars support a likelihood that in lieu of other factors, we may decide to focus on indulgence and enjoyment of visceral pursuits.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2021 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

SPECIAL REPORT: Make a powerful new intention under New Moon in Cancer

Daily Planetary Energy Report for July 20, 2020

For everyone: The New Moon in Cancer at 1:33 p.m. ET, offers us a time to make a new intention that relates closely to building our protective shell.  Insulate ourselves from any unexpected outcomes.  Moreover, the Sun and Moon opposing Saturn help us come to a solid conclusion especially as it relates to our safety, security and all that we hold near and dear to us. It’s likely we will respond to the emotional tone of those around us, or conversely, we will set the emotional vibration for others to follow.  Furthermore, intensity will surge as well as the Moon opposes Jupiter and Pluto.

But at 4:16 p.m. ET, when the Moon moves to happy-go-lucky Leo, a release valve will seem to open, and the head of steam that has built up will find creative outlets.

Read a forecast for your Sun sign…Tip: Also read the forecast for your rising sign. Don’t know what that is? Click here for a free calculation! Or contact me directly for a personalized reading…

Aries: Invest creative energy in home and loved ones when New Moon in Cancer occurs in your 4th house. A conscientious attitude will go far and your contributions to the world are likely to touch many lives. Destiny is calling and you must decide the outcome you desire.

Taurus: Learn and express yourself clearly when the New Moon in Cancer occurs in your 3rd house. You may come to a decision about your philosophical or religious beliefs, even though you remain open-minded to other lifestyles different from your own. Nevertheless, at the core you will crusade passionately for what you believe.

Gemini: What you own and value gives you a strong sense of security under the New Moon in Cancer in your 2nd house. But the fear of the unknown lurks and colors your decisions. You may find benefits in dealing with or advising others about their money situation. Tap into the depths of your experience to add nuance and texture.

Cancer: The New Moon in your sign gives you a clear sense of self and changes you want to make. You come to a decision about a partnership that you take seriously. On the surface you exhibit outgoing and social aplomb, but your intensity runs deep and you attach meaning and high expectations to one-on-one relationships.

Leo: The New Moon in Cancer in your 12th house helps you work on aspects of yourself that may be hidden. You arrive at a decision regarding your daily routine or health regime. A positive attitude about work will help open doors. But compulsive attention to self-improvement may be counterproductive.

Virgo: The New Moon in Cancer in your 11th house highlights your need to connect with friends or groups with whom you share a common bond. Find a creative area that appeals to you and work to develop an expertise. Your enthusiasm is contagious so throw yourself into self-expression with abandon.

Libra: Your instincts for working with the public are on target, especially with regard to your career or public persona when the New Moon in Cancer that occurs in your 10th house. Build on a solid foundation, and work to feel emotionally secure. Pay attention to secrets that are lurking, especially from your past that may color your future.

Scorpio: Expand your physical or intellectual horizons under the New Moon in Cancer in your 9th house. You are serious-minded and may find it challenging to lighten up, though. Nevertheless, allow a penetrating thought process sway other to your point of view, and your curious mind to guide your steps.

Sagittarius: You crave experiences that are off-beat, and may want closeness but could be leery when the New Moon in Cancer occurs in your 8th house. Fears may revolve around material security, and money or personal possession may flow in as easily as out. Nevertheless, making a big splash is most important now.

Capricorn: The New Moon in your 7th house works to improve partnerships or close relationships. But your strict and disciplined manner may alienate some, and your intensity and passion prove to be over-the-top. Maintain optimism and allow confidences to prevail.

Aquarius: The New Moon energy travelling through your 6th house expands your instincts to reach out to others in need of help or to look at your own diet and exercise regime to see where improvements can be made. Don’t allow guilt to color your world, though, so work to uncover secrets that may derail you. Helping other may be therapeutic.

Pisces: Express yourself in a dramatic fashion when the New Moon occurs in your 5th house. But you may have to push yourself to engage in activity, even if you feel hesitant. Once you find the right group you are willing to emerge, as long as you can help your community in some respect. Good fortune will follow once you take the first steps.

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2020 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.