Make a deep, meaningful fresh start…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for November 15, 2020

We are passionate about making a deep and meaningful fresh start under the New Moon in Scorpio at 12:07 a.m. ET. Our emotions are complex, and may not be easy to articulate, but our intuition will guide us into unexplored territory.

The mood lightens, though, when the Moon moves to upbeat Sagittarius at 11:47 a.m. ET.  We are ready to lift the veil of intensity that shrouds us and welcome open and playful adventures as we look for broad experiences.

Moreover, we seek to live the highlife while Venus confronts Jupiter and Pluto.  Our appetite for something grand is whetted, and compulsive indulgence is likely.  Enjoy!

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2020 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Powerful emotions surge…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for September 25, 2020

The Capricorn Moon forming hard and supportive aspects to seven planets throughout the day generates powerful emotional responses.

A strong connection to far-reaching dreams and that which we feel is exotic lifts us during early morning hours when the Moon is conjunct Jupiter and forms an easy sextile to Neptune. But later in the day we may pull back and rein in our feelings when the Moon meets Pluto and Saturn, generating a need to strip away our emotions to get to the core of the matter.

Moreover, later this evening, when the Moon confronts both Mercury and Mars, our energy to do the work to uncover our true motivation is emphasized. Use this energy to reach conclusions that we may have felt but have not completely articulated!

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2020 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Feel the power…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for November 29, 2019

Feel the power when Jupiter touches a midpoint between the Sun and Pluto, and channel efforts toward that which means most to us.  We may be compulsively pushing our own agenda forward, though. The Sun forming a minor aspect to Jupiter reinforces this attitude, encouraging us to reach for the brass ring.

Additionally, we’re focused while Mercury nears an easy aspect to Saturn.  Our ability to concentrate and do the research necessary is highlighted.  And a minor aspect between Mercury and Uranus sparks our imagination as we come up with new and imaginative ideas to stand out and be special.

Find our ideal when the Capricorn Moon is sextile to Neptune and Mercury.  But later this afternoon we will strip away the fluff to get to the essence of our emotions in order to reach the least common denominator when the Moon meets Saturn and Pluto. We are on the road to find our truth then.

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

We’re on a low boil…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for August 12, 2019

Chart wheel 8.12.19The Capricorn Moon meets with Saturn this morning beginning our day in a contemplative mood.  We’re apt to ponder deeper emotional matters, especially as the Moon gets comfortable with Neptune.  But passionate outburst may occur this evening when the Moon meets Pluto.  Deep emotions bubble up to the surface and expressive outbursts are possible.

Nevertheless, it’s likely we feel as if we are on a low boil all day when the Sun and Venus form a disciplined minor connection to Uranus. Focus and hone our actions while we’re able to corral erratic behavior.  Tantric practices provide a good outlet.

Moreover, sift through superfluous fluff to get to the core of the matter.  Take necessary steps to come up with a new way of doing things.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.                                                                                                                                                 

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.


Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Emotional connection to ideals featured…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for April 16, 2019

4.16.19 Chart Wheel

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

A strong emotional connection to an ideal featured when the Virgo Moon opposes Neptune, and makes fortunate connections to Saturn and Pluto. We are drawn to traditions from our past and may be reluctant to give those up.  Seek sincerity and honesty. The ability to express ourselves with great emotion becomes important.  Release feelings that convey our true intentions in a grand fashion when the Moon in also trine Jupiter.

Nevertheless, allow inventive ideas and original insights percolate and help us come up with a new approach.  Welcome what’s next when Mercury forms an unstable connection to Uranus.

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.